Red Bull Kart Fight Oman




Red Bull Kart Fight 3



For the first time Oman is hosting a global amateur go-kart tournament. The Red Bull Kart Fight is about finding the fastest amateur go-kart driver in Oman. The national final winner will get the chance to compete in the World Final which will take place in Austria’s Red Bull Ring in February 2015 and become the Red Bull Kart Fight World Champion.

The global tournament to determine the fastest amateur kart racer in the world, Red Bull Kart Fight, comes to Oman’s Automobile Association (OAA) this December.

Preliminary Qualifying rounds are currently being held at the Karting track at the OAA until the 9th of December 2014. Anyone above 16 years of age is welcome to participate in this event but only the top drivers who set the best time will compete in the National Final on Friday 12th December at 5:00pm.

Red Bull Kart Fight 4Oman is among 20 countries around the world searching for the best drivers to represent the Sultanate at the World Finals which will take place at Austria’s Red Bull Ring in February 2015.

The National Final is being held in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, Ford Middle East, Hi FM, Hala FM, See Muscat and Y Magazine.
For more info on how to participate in Red Bull Kart Fight please call the OAA on 24510 630



ريد بُل كارت فايت في عُمان للمرة الأولى
بحثاً عن أسرع سائقي الكارتنج من الهواة

للمرة الأولى، تستضيف عُمان بطولة عالمية في الكارتنج. وستكون السلطنة على موعد مع “ريد بُل كارت فايت”، وهي المسابقة التي ستحدد أسرع متسابقي الكارتنج الهواة محلياً. وسيحظى أفضل سائق عُماني بفرصة تمثيل السلطنة في النهائيات الدولية التي ستقام على حلبة “ريد بُل رينج” في النمسا في فبراير 2015، وستحدد البطل العالمي لمسابقة “ريد بُل كارت فايت”.
وتزور البطولة العالمية التي ستحدد أسرع متسابقي الكارتنج الهواة في العالم، “ريد بُل كارت فايت”، الجمعية العُمانية للسيارات خلال شهر ديسمبر الجاري.Red Bull Kart Fight 1
وقد انطلقت التصفيات التمهيدية على حلبة الكارتنج في الجمعية العُمانية للسيارات، وهي تستمر حتى 9 ديسمبر 2014. ومن الممكن المشاركة في المسابقة لكل من هم فوق الـ16 من العمر، غير أن أقوى المتسابقين فقط سيتم اختيارهم للتنافس في النهائي الوطني يوم الجمعة في 12 ديسمبر، الساعة 5:00 عصراً.
وعُمان هي من بين 20 بلداً حول العالم تبحث عن أفضل من سيمثل السلطنة في النهائيات العالمية التي ستقام على حلبة “ريد بُل رينج” في النمسا في فبراير 2015.
ويقام النهائي الوطني بالشراكة مع وزارة السياحة وفورد الشرق الأوسط و”هاي أف أم” و”هلا أف أم”، و See Muscat ومجلة Y Magazine.
للمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية المشاركة في “ريد بُل كارت فايت”، الرجاء الاتصال بالجمعية العُمانية للسيارات على 24510 630.

Red Bull Car Park Drift Oman 2014

Winner - ActionAbdo Feghali - portrait


Oman qualifier to be held at Oman Automobile Association on October 17, 2014

Oman is gearing up for the Red Bull Car Park Drift local qualifier for the fifth consecutive year, with several dates scheduled to showcase some of the most phenomenal drift performances in the region. Qualifying rounds took off at the start of the year and will continue to visit most of the countries in the Middle East, in anticipation of the grand finale hosted in Dubai.
This year local qualifier will take place on Friday, October 17th with several extraordinary rounds of exhilarating shows to crown the King of Drift and Oman’s representative in the Dubai Finals. This competition held at the Oman Automobile Association is the perfect opportunity for motorsport lovers and drift fans to enjoy a hands-on experience.
Preliminary rounds will take place the previous day, on October 16th to select the best of the Omani elite drivers, worthy to battle over the drifting title.
Abdo Feghali, Rally champion and Red Bull Driver will create the track and the drivers’ performance will be scored by a panel of judges. The evaluation will mainly assess the drift shows presented by the drivers in their modified cars, through the use of hand breaks and exertion of outstanding skills to take on turns in the most dazzling and accurate ways. In addition, judges will consider the engines’ sounds and car appearance, the smoke produced by the friction of the tires and finally the crowd’s reactions measured by their loud and exciting cheers.
A new format will be introduced at the Oman qualifier this year including an amateur and pro category. The amateur winner will support the pro winner in the Regional Final in Dubai.

In addition to the Sultanate of Oman, Egypt, Tunisia, Mauritius, Jordon, Lebanon, the regional tour of the Red Bull Car Park Drift 2014 will visit Turkey, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates as well.
Before turning into such a world-class event, the concept of this motorsport originated in Japan during the 1970’s based on the idea of competing in parking lots.
This event is in partnership with Ford Middle East, Nawras, Ministry of Tourism, Hi FM, Hala FM and See Muscat.

أقوى عروض الانجراف للسنة الخامسة على التوالي
عُمان تحتضن تصفيات “ريد بُل كار بارك دريفت”
في الجمعية العُمانية للسيـارات في 17 أكتوبر

تستعد سلطنة عُمان للسنة الخامسة على التوالي لاحتضان التصفيات المحلية لمسابقة “ريد بُل كار بارك دريفت” والتي ستضرب موعداً مع أقوى عروض الانجراف في المنطقة. وقد انطلقت جولات التصفية مع انطلاق العام في المنطقة، وهي ستتواصل في محطات عدة قبل النهائي الكبير الذي تستضيفه دبي.
وتقام التصفيات المحلية هذا العام يوم الجمعة 17 أكتوبر الجاري، وهي ستتضمَّن جولات من العروض الاستثنائية الرائعة التي ستنتهي الى تتويج ملك الانجراف وممثل عُمان في نهائيات دبي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وتشكل المنافسات التي ستحتضنها الجمعية العمانية للسيارات الفرصة المثلى لعشاق رياضة المحركات وفنون الانجراف لمعاينة أروع العروض الحيّة عن كثب.
وتقام عشية البطولة المحلية تصفيات تمهيدية في 16 أكتوبر لاختيار نخبة السائقين العُمانيين الذي يستحقون التنافس على لقب الانجراف.
وسيعمل بطل الراليات وسباقات السرعة ورياضي ريد بُل عبدو فغالي على تصميم المسار على أن تتولى لجنة تحكيمية خاصة وضع العلامات للسائقين. وسيرتكز الحكام في شكل أساسي في تحديد النتائج على عروض الانجراف للمشاركين في سياراتهم المعدّلة، من خلال دخولهم المنعطفات بأروع الطرق وأكثرها دقّة مستعملين الفرامل اليدوية وتقنياتهم الخاصة الى جانب طاقة سياراتهم وتجهيزاتها. كذلك سيأخذ الحكام في الاعتبار أصوات هدير المحركات وشكل السيارات إضافة الى الدخان الناتج عن احتكاك الإطارات بأرضية المسار، وردة فعل الجمهور التي تعكسها هتافات الحضور وعملية تشجيع السائقين.
وسيتم استحداث نظام جديد للمنافسة في التصفيات العُمانية هذا العام يتضمَّن فئتَي المحترفين والهواة. وسيدعم الفائز في فئة الهواة بطل فئة المحترفين في النهائيات الإقليمية في دبي.
وإضافة الى سلطنة عُمان، تحط الجولة الإقليمية لمسابقة “ريد بُل كار بارك دريفت 2014” في كل من مصر وتونس وجزر الموريس والأردن ولبنان وتركيا والكويت والإمارات العربية المتحدة.
وقبل أن تتحوَّل الى حدثٍ من المعيار العالمي، كان مفهوم هذه المسابقة قد انطلق من اليابان في سبعينيات القرن الماضي، مرتكزاً على فكرة التنافس في موقف للسيارات.
ويقام هذا الحدث بالشراكة مع فورد الشرق الأوسط ونورس ووزارة السياحة وهاي أف أم وهلا أف أم و See Muscat.

انتهى –

Red Bull Winning 5 Finals Oman

16 teams selected to compete in Red Bull Winning 5 Country Final tomorrow at InterContinental Hotel

Muscat 19 of June 2014

16 teams from across the country have been selected to compete at the Red Bull Winning 5 Country Final tomorrow at the InterContinental Hotel Gardens. The 16 teams were selected over the past four weeks from five different cities including Salalah, Al Dakhiliyah, Al Sharqiya, Al Batinah and Muscat
Being held in Oman for the first time the Red Bull Winning 5 qualifiers started from Salalah last month before moving onto Al Dakhilya, Al Sharqiya, Al Batinah and Muscat. A total of seven qualifiers were held to select the top 16 teams to participate tomorrow in the Country Final at 5pm at the InterContinental Hotel Gardens.
The first two teams to qualify came from Salalah and include Al Aarbi and Al Boka. Three teams qualified from the Al Dakhiliyah qualification including ‘Noujoun Al Naser’, ‘Al Ashbal’ and ‘Washington States University.’ From Al Sharqiya two teams made it through as Merengue and Al Jazira filled the top two spots. Al Batinah seen three teams qualify including Dundalk, Khor Meleh and Al Noor. From the three qualifiers held in Muscat six teams qualified including Dortmund, The Wolves, Shabab takiya, Copa Cabana, Bobs and Al Shabab.
Preparations are now underway in Muscat for the Country Final which will be the biggest Red Bull event held in Oman this year.
The winning team will receive a cash prize of RO2000, the runner up with receive RO1000 and third place on the podium will win RO500.
The five aside football tournament comes with a twist – it does not include goal keepers and players have to score a goal and eliminate a player from the opposing team. The game goes on for 10 minutes until the whole team is eliminated. If the time is up, the two teams will go for penalty shootouts which will be made by having two players go one-on-one for 3 seconds.
Partners for this event include the Ministry of Tourism, Ford Middle East, Bank Muscat, Hi Fm, Hala FM, Tanuf and Muscat Sports.
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Find out more:
Facebook: Red Bull Winning 5 – Oman

For further information contact:
Stacey Ross

High-resolution photos, moving images and clips can be downloaded for editorial purposes at

قسم الرياضة
خبر صحفي

نهائي “ريد بُل وينينغ فايف” في مسقط اليوم

مسقط، ١٩ يونيو ٢٠١٤
بعد تصفيات تم تنظيمها في على مختلف أنحاء عُمان، تحتضن مسقط اليوم الجمعة في فندق انتركونتيننتال النهائي المحلي للمسابقة الكروية الفريدة “ريد بُل وينيغ فايف”، بمشاركة ١٦ فريقاً.
وكانت التصفيات تنقلت في صلالة والداخلية والشرقية والباطنة ومسقط، لتتأهل الفرق التي ستشارك في النهائي الوطني. وعكست التصفيات عشق الشباب العُماني لكرة القدم، هو الذي يتابع مونديال البرازيل بشغف، كما عكست المواجهات مستويات مميزة من المهارات الكروية الفردية والجماعية، ينتظر أن تصل الى ذروتها في النهائي الوطني.
وترتكز المسابقة على المنافسة في كرة القدم بين خمسة لاعبين في مقابل خمسة من دون حارس مرمى. وعلى كل فريق أن يسجل هدفاً لإقصاء لاعب من الفريق الخصم. وتتواصل المباراة لفترة ١٠ دقائق الى حين إقصاء أحد الفريقين بالكامل.
وسيحظى الفريق الفائز بجائزة نقدية بقيمة ٢٠٠٠ ريال عُماني، و ١٠٠٠ ريال عُماني للوصيف و ٥٠٠ ريال عُماني لصاحب المركز الثالث على منصة التتويج.
وتقام البطولة برعاية وزارة السياحة، وفورد الشرق الأوسط ، وبنك مسقط، وHi FM، وهلا أف أم، وتنوف، ومسقط للرياضة.

– انتهى-

للمزيد من المعلومات زيارة:
موقع البطولة:
تويتر: @redbulloman
هاشتاغ: #winning5

Red Bull Winning 5 Oman

Red Bull Winning 5 action

1st Qualifier to be held today in Salalah

Muscat, May 23rd, 2014

It’s the first time the most exciting and well-loved sport in the country will be played with a Red Bull Twist. Footballers across the country will be put to the test and have the chance to participate in the Red Bull Winning 5 for the first time.
A total of 224 teams consisting of 1120 players will battle it out in the month-long knockout tournament which will include seven qualifiers across the Sultanate before the country final in Muscat next month.
The first qualifier event will be held today in Salalah (May 24) and will select only the top three teams to go through to the final. The month long tour will also include qualifiers in Al Dakhiliya, Al Sharqia, Al Batinah and Muscat.
32 teams will compete in each city but only the top 3 teams from each will be selected for the Country Final. Three qualifiers will be conducted in Muscat were only the top four teams will be selected. The top 16 teams from across the country will then battle it out to become the Winning 5.
The five aside event does not include goal keepers and players have to score a goal and eliminate a player from the opposing team. The game goes on until the whole team is eliminated. If the time is up, the two teams will go for penalty shootouts which will be made by having two players go one-on-one for 3 seconds.
The winning team will receive a cash prize of RO2000, the runner up with receive RO1000 and third place on the podium will win RO500.
Partners for this event include the Ministry of Tourism, Ford Middle East, Bank Muscat, Hi Fm, Hala FM, Tanuf and Muscat Sports.
To register your team email: or call: 92962357
Ends –


For more information visit:
Fan us on Facebook:
Follow us on twitter: @redbulloman
طيّرهم #

قسم الرياضة
خبر صحافي

مسابقة فريدة في كرة القدم تنطلق تصفياتها من صلالة اليوم
“ريد بُل وينيغ فايف” للمرة الأولى في عُمان

مسقط، 23 مايو 2014
للمرة الأولى في عُمان، تقام مسابقة للرياضة الأكثر إثارة وتشويقاً والأوسع شعبية وبلمسة خاصة من ريد بُل. عشاق كرة القدم في كافة أنحاء السلطنة سيختبرون مهاراتهم الكروية ويحظون بفرصة المشاركة في مسابقة “ريد بُل وينيغ فايف”.
وسيتنافس مجموع 224 فريقاً تتألف من 1120 لاعباً على مدى شهر في البطولة التي تقام وفق مبدأ الإقصاء، والتي ستتضمن سبع تصفيات في أنحاء السلطنة كافة تمهيداً للنهائي الوطني في مسقط الشهر المقبل.
وستقام محطة التصفيات الأولى اليوم (24 مايو) في صلالة، حيث سيتم اختيار الفرق الثلاثة الأولى للعبور الى النهائي. وتشمل تصفيات البطولة مناطق الداخلية، الشرقية، البطينة، ومسقط.
وستشهد كل مدينة تنافس 32 فريقاً، إنما 3 فرق فقط من كل مدينة ستتأهل الى النهائي الوطني. أما مسقط فتحتضن ثلاث تصفيات على أن يتأهل أفضل أربعة فرق منها فقط. وهكذا ستخوض الفرق الـ16 الأفضل على الصعيد الوطني المنافسات الختامية التي ستحدد من هم “الفائزون الخمسة”.
المسابقة ترتكز على المنافسة بين خمسة لاعبين في مقابل خمسة من دون حارس مرمى. وسيكون على كل فريق أن يسجل هدفاً لإقصاء لاعب من الفريق الخصم. وستتواصل المباراة الى حين إقصاء أحد الفريقين بالكامل. وإذا انتهى الوقت من دون حسم، يتجه الفريقان لتسديد ضربات الترجيح. وستُنَفَّذ ضربات الترجيح من خلال مواجهات ثنائية تجمع لاعباً من كل فريق في موجهة الآخر لمدة 30 ثانية.
وسيحظى الفريق الفائز بجائزة نقدية بقيمة 2000 ريال عماني، و1000 ريال عماني للوصيف و500 ريال عُماني لصاحب المركز الثالث على منصة التتويج.
وتقام البطولة برعاية وزارة السياحة، وفورد ميدل إيست، وبنك مسقط، وHi FM، وهلا أف أم، وتنوف، ومسقط للرياضة.

لتسجيل فريقكم إرسال رسالة إلكترونية على:
أو الاتصال على: 92962357

– انتهى-

تصفيات ونهائي عُمان – 2014

24 مايو
تصفيات صلالة
نادي النصر
30 مايو
تصفيات الداخلية
بهلاء – ملعب بلد سيت
31 مايو
تصفيات الشرقية
البادية- ملعب الظهير
6 يونيو
تصفيات البطينة
المثنى – ملعب النور
7 يونيو
تصفيات مسقط الأولى
بوشر – ملعب نادي الشباب
13 يونيو
تصفيات مسقط الثانية
بوشر – ملعب نادي الشباب
14 يونيو
تصفيات مسقط الثالثة
بوشر – ملعب نادي الشباب
20 يونيو
النهائي الوطني
يُحدد لاحقاً

للمزيد من المعلومات زيارة:
موقع البطولة:
تويتر: @redbulloman
هاشتاغ: #winning5
طيّرهم #

Red Bull Winning 5 set up

action shot (1)

The Great Risk of Love – CS Lewis

“There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless–it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell”. – C.S. Lewis

I came across this quote recently and it has me pondering. I know this is about me. This is my life. I need to spend more time with this and process more before I try to really write about it, but it has hit me. I think it’s time to move outside the comfort zone and begin to risk more.

How much of this describes my culture, as well? Once a society can afford “hobbies and little luxuries”, is it common for it to sacrifice a certain amount of intimacy with family, neighbors, and friends? When a developing country becomes more wealthy, does community begin to give way to individualism? The daily rub of relationships is messy. Money can buy us space. Nice tidy space.

Something to think on.

Motocross in Muscat

On your evening commute to Seeb, you might not realize it, but just off the Sultan Qaboos Highway, very near the offices where we deal with our licenses and car registrations, is the Oman Automobile Association, a little oasis for Muscat’s motor sport enthusiasts. I was there a couple nights ago making some photos of 8 year-old motocross rider, Kasper, and his 14 year old brother, Simen.

A mere 50 meters to the north, drifting enthusiasts marked their presence on a large concrete track with huge plumes of white smoke. Fifty meters to the south, perched at the property’s highest point, sits a 950 meter go-kart track where competitors in international karting competitions train and nine year-olds celebrate their birthday parties on weekends.

This is Abdullah Al Rawahi, a talented go-karter who competes in Europe and around the Gulf region.


Aside from these, there are more dirt tracks and apparently a couple different kinds of paved strips.

Kasper and Simen are prominent members of a small but fervent group of motocross riders that regularly practice and compete on these grounds. I know the family and offered to come out and take some shots, chew some dust, and drink many of their bottles of water. It was exhausting just watching Kasper’s dad and the father of another three young riders running around making sure their boys were safe and their bikes were starting after they tipped them.


The boys were good sports. It’s not just any rider who is willing to suit up as the temperature nears 40 degrees.


Interested in learning more about the OAA? The website has information and directions.

Photo of the Week – Bboy Engine

Bboy Engine  - Action
I enjoyed a fun photo shoot this past week with Bboy Engine. I had just shot the BC One Cypher in the parking garage of the Muscat Grand Mall. It was probably close to 40 degrees (104F) and I’d consumed literally 10 bottles of water and was still thirsty. It was such a fun event and no one in the audience seemed to really care that it was so hot. We finished happy and completely drenched in sweat.

I’d already packed up and headed into the mall to edit my photos with a blended coffee in hand when I got a call telling me that they’d gotten the spotlight set up and that we could do the shoot we’d envisioned the week before. I grudgingly left the A/C and went back to the parking garage and I’m glad I did. It was a wicked shoot. Bboy Engine, the Cypher champion, was a great sport. The smoke machine added a magical element. Here are some more.

Bboy Engine  - Action

Bboy Engine  - Action

Bboy Phoenix - Action

The judges of the event are three of the best bboys in the world: Bboy Lil’ G, Bboy Wing, and Bboy Pelezinho.

Lil G, Pelezinho, and Wing - Portrait

Bboy Lil G from Venezuela
Bboy Lil G - Portrait

Bboy Wing from Korea
Bboy Wing - Portrait
Here’s an article with more of my images and some video, as well. Start watching videos and you might just get hooked!

Want more? Check out 12 year-old Shigekix winning the BC One in Osaka. He’s the future.

iPhone5 Sleep/Wake Power Lock Button Problem – Apple will Replace Free!

Are you in Muscat and having problems with the power button on your iPhone 5? There may be a solution for you.

I bought my iPhone less than a year ago and my power lock button has gotten less and less responsive over the past two months. A couple weeks ago, I could get it to turn off and on by clicking on the left side of the button with my fingernail, but now that doesn’t work very well either. It appears that very soon I won’t be able to use it at all.

Screen Shot 2014-05-09 at 11.12.46 AM

That’s why I was happy to read on the Apple website that they are finally, after several lawsuits, allowing iPhone5 owners to take their phones in for free repair. I went to the Apple store in the Qurm City Centre and looked into it. If your iPhone5 was purchased here in Oman, you are probably eligible for free repair. Take it in and then celebrate your good fortune with a nice cheeseburger (not covered by Apple) at Chili’s. I’m not so fortunate. If you, like me, have a phone from the US, you will have to take your phone back to the US for repair. It appears that phones from other countries might qualify for repair in Oman. Give them a call.

The Apple website allows you to enter your serial number to see if your phone is eligible. Give that a go first.











Red Bull Bike Tour

Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull.

Dear friends, I know that I have sounded like this for awhile now. And for some of you that only know me through my blog, I haven’t sounded like anything at all, because I’ve been so busy with… well, Red Bull. It’s been a whirlwind month. It’s been a blast. Now that my spring vacation has arrived, I will try to catch you all up a little bit. But be prepared for a lot of Red Bull.

Maybe the most fun I had this month was with the Red Bull Bike Tour. Two riders, Kenny Belaey from Belgium, and Viki Gomez from Spain, came to Muscat representing their very different disciplines. Kenny is a trial rider and Viki rides flatland. Both are the current world champions.

My first shoot was with Viki. I had found an abandoned construction project with several amazing looks that I wanted to play with. The first shot we set up was the big dome room. Viki kept running back to the camera to look at the screen after each shot.


Viki Gomez - Action

This view shows how enormous this place is.
Viki Gomez - Portrait
Our time was running out, but Viki wanted to stick around and shoot through dinner. I was stoked.

Viki Gomez - Portrait

Viki Gomez - Portrait

Viki Gomez - Lifestyle


Viki Gomez - Action

The next day I went with Kenny Belaey and the Red Bull team to Wadi Shab. He had seen pictures of the location and really wanted to train there, so we changed our original plans and went with his whim. It worked out well because Kenny was really into the shoot.

Kenny Belaey - Lifestyle

Hiking through the wadi was a challenge with all the camera gear, but Kenny never got tired of carrying his bike.

Kenny Belaey - Lifestyle

Kenny Belaey - Action

Kenny Belaey - Action

Kenny Belaey - Portrait

Kenny Belaey - Action

Kenny Belaey - Lifestyle

Kenny Belaey - Lifestyle


Here’s an amazing video by Abdullah Ali Al-Maawali and an article with some of these pics. The still photos don’t tell the whole story. You’ve got to see them in action.

Red Bull Bike Tour

Had an amazing weekend shooting two Red Bull riders here for the Red Bull Bike Tour. Here’s a press release summing it all up:

The Red Bull Bike Tour concludes after week-long tour in Muscat, Sohar, Nizwa and Salalah.
The Red Bull Bike Tour was a week-long event that was action-packed and adrenaline-fuelled until the very last show. Two world champion riders from two different disciplines travelled across the Sultanate performing several times a day in Muscat, Sohar, Nizwa and Salalah from March 11 until March 18.

Touring the country, Kenny Belaey, of Belgium, was impressed by the landscape and thoroughly enjoyed a training session in Wadi Shab. With its dramatic rock formations and emerald-green water, the nine time world champion described the canyon-like valley as “the most amazing place; I cannot describe how much I enjoyed Wadi Shab. Biking there is a dream come true for me.”

Talking about his experience, the trial biker said: “I think Oman is the best country in the Middle East, not only because of the landscape, which I like a lot being an outdoor person, but also because of the vibe. The trial biker previously visited Oman in 2010 and is familiar with the region having performed in Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Talking about his future plans, Belaey added: “Next time I come back to Oman I will look for another challenge to ride my bike, I’m sure there is something out there.”

Also on the tour, the number one flatland rider in the world today, Viki Gomez, did not disappoint during the week-long event with his originality. The world champion, who has travelled to more than 45 countries, showcased his innovative riding style becoming much more technical with new tricks that involve not grasping the saddle, kick flips and many more. Gomez has previously won the European X Games Championship twice and the Asia Championship twice in Japan.

Shortly after concluding the tour, Gomez said: “Oman is a beautiful country and people here are really friendly. Once someone in the crowd starts cheering everyone joins in. There was a great atmosphere and energy at all the shows and people were really enjoying it. I hope to come back to Oman in the future and see more people on bikes; once people start riding bikes they feel happier and healthier. We are here to show people what you can do with a bike – so upgrade your lifestyle!”

Enthusiastic spectators witnessed the duo performing several times a day for eight days across the Sultanate at various venues including, but not limited to, The Middle East College of Information Technology, Horizon Gym Azaiba, LuLu (Salalah, Bousher, Nizwa), Juwiera Boutique Hotel, Salalah College of Technology,Markaz Al Bahja, Fun Zone, Zouk, Muscat Grand Mall, Oman Dive Centre, University of Nizwa, Safeer Mall, Wadi Hotel, GU Tech and Scientific college of Design.